PC Draft Pro IconPC Draft P.E6.0

What’s New

The latest version of PC Draft Personal Edition includes some impressive improvements and features, that makes version 6.0 far more intuitive, powerful and easy-to-use than ever before. Boasting a range of additions to not only make using PC Draft easier, but to speed up your design process.

Floor Plans

MacDraft File Sharing
& Compatibility
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Floor Plans

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Floor Plans

Custom Scales
For More Control
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Floor Plans

Linear & Circular
Gradient Creation
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Floor Plans

Create New Colors
Gradients & Patterns
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Floor Plans

Increased Undo
& Redo Limit
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Floor Plans

Opacity for
Fills & Strokes
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Floor Plans

Star Tool for
Complex Shapes
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Floor Plans

Drawing Area
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Floor Plans

Symbol Library
Catalog Palette
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MacDraft File Sharing & Compatibility

Whether you use a PC and a Mac to do your designs; have colleagues, friends or family members who all use use both Macs and PC’s; or you need to be able to send your designs to someone else who uses MacDraft, PC Draft includes the ability to save a MacDraft (.md60) document, that will allow you to share the designs you have created in PC Draft with someone else who is using MacDraft. What’s more, is that they can them make edits and save the file on the Mac, send it back to you and you can reopen it in PC Draft. This allows you to share and collaborate with all your designs no matter what operating system version of the software is being used.

PC Draft Screen

Updated Interface

Our main focus was to clean up the interface and bring a whole new experience to PC Draft, while maintaining some kind of familiar feeling consistent with other Windows applications. Consequently, we thought what better way than to add a ribbon and manage the options and features through a tab system. You’ll still have access to all your options and main palettes, but all other features and object management can now be controlled within the ribbon system. This should help to speed up your designs and make it easier for you to navigate the PC Draft application. We have also added document tabs to make it easier for you to navigate between your documents.

Slide the handle below to compare the new PC Draft interface on the left to the old on the right.

PC Draft Screen
PC Draft Screen

Custom Scales for more control

You’ll find a whole set of useful default scales to use, in both English and Metric units. You can use 1:1, 1:50, 1/4 inch = 1 foot and many, many more. All of which have been created to help standardise your drawings. If you can’t find the scale you are looking for from the default list, you could always create your own custom scale. Any new scale you create will be added to the bottom of the list of default scales. All custom scales can be used to control the whole document or individual layers for added flexibility.

Linear and Circular Gradient Creation

Gradients are at the heart of any graphical and vibrant layout. PC Draft now has support for the creation and management of Linear and Radial gradients. Create vibrant color blends for use in vector illustration, colorful floor and garden plans and much more. The gradients can be stored, edited and duplicated making it easier for you to manage your swatches and share them throughout all your drawings.

PC Draft Screen

Create New Colors, Gradients & Patterns

PC Draft now allows you to create new colors, gradients and patterns. You no longer have to replace the existing swatches, you create your own new ones. In addition, if a color gradient or pattern is attached to an object and stored in the new Library palette, when you add that item to any document, the new swatch will be added to that document for use with any object.

Increased Undo & Redo Limit

You’ll now have the confidence and reliability of a huge undo tree, that will allow you to revert the changes you have made a huge amount of times..... We could even say almost unlimited undos. This will mean that you no longer have to worry about whether you can undo that change you made a while ago, giving you complete control over your drawing process and the way you manage your drawings.

Opacity For Fills & Strokes

Being able to change the opacity of objects has become an expected feature in any drawing application and PC Draft has now got it. Control all of your fills, strokes and parallel line fills with an opacity, giving you the ability to create overlays, blends and much more. In addition, you’ll be able to control the opacity of text elements, giving you more control over how your fonts, labels and markups are displayed.

PC Draft Screen

Star Tool For Complex Shapes

We have added another shape drawing tool, which allows you to draw stars. This tool also offers options for the control of the attributes within the star such as how many points, widths etc. Stars are a great way to create badges, labels, markups and even triangles if you want to. In addition you can ungroup the drawn star and edit the handles yourself to create more custom and complex shapes. The star shapes can then be controlled with color fills and strokes.

PC Draft Screen

Centered Drawing Area

Centering the drawing in the window has allowed us to interface the page boundaries to you. Having the document centered in the window gives you much more control over it’s content and the positioning of objects within the artboard. Zooming is also much easier to control when working with complex drawings. We have also made the drawing frame show a gray space around the drawing even at maximum document size.

PC Draft Screen

Symbol Library Palette

A huge addition to the new PC Draft is the creation of a Library palette, which allows you to create, store and manage all of your library items in one place. You no longer have to worry about drawing those commonly used symbols over and over again, you can simply draw them once and store them in a custom library catalog by using the new Library palette. You can then share your custom libraries with other PC Draft users, allowing you to collaborate with your colleagues, friends and family with any design. The Library palette works on a drag and drop basis, making it easier and faster for you to use.

PC Draft Screen
PC Draft Screen

PC Draft P.E 6.0

Available through our web-store from $99.00 £79.00 €85.00
You can also upgrade from previous versions

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Email sales@microspot.co.uk or call +44 (0)1622 793008
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