Easy-to-use and flexible 2D CAD software with intuitive toolsets
Design and build with confidence
Fully-scaled and layered environment, precise guides and dimensioning, drag-and-drop symbols and intuitive vector drawing tools.
Sketch, draw and present. The ultimate 2D CAD software from start to finish. Native to macOS, built with the latest technologies and designed for the future, MacDraft 8 is a feature-rich solution, that gives you all the tools you need for a truly collaborative and flexible 2D CAD experience. Designed for architects, engineers and construction services as well as professional CAD users, designers, educators and hobbyist. MacDraft will give you the confidence and flexibility to design anything.
Explore the latest features, tools and options available in the MacDraft Personal Edition 8.0 tool-sets. MacDraft delivers a smooth and fast design process through the use of industry-leading technologies, intuitive workflow and a familiar user experience. The latest version brings a host of new features ranging from Apple M1 chip support and an interface update to new drawing options and control over your workflow.
See all What’s New
Version 8.0
Apple Silicon Support
MacDraft runs natively on Macs powered by the Apple Silicon chips, for powerful and unrivalled performance. MacDraft PE is now future-proof and ready for new machines and technologies that Apple may release, including M1 and M2 machines with Pro and Max Silicon Chips.
Version 8.0
Improved Interface
With the release and update that came with macOS Big Sur, MacDraft has had a welcome interface update. Utilising the intuitive design of the previous version, with some welcome tweaks and improvements around its performance.
Version 8.0
Custom Workflow
Manage your workspace by choosing either palettes or a single screen. You’ll also be able to change from Dark and Light mode seamlessly. In addition you’ll find a refreshed and updated preferences with more options for customizing your MacDraft experience.
Version 8.0
Text Flow
Page layout and text control has never been easier with the new Text Flow features. Seamlessly flow text from one text box to another, allowing you to create flowing columns of text quickly. You can also control text preference options for fonts, styles and sizes.
Version 8.0
Spell Check
Spell check now works dynamically across the whole document. Any text elements in your drawings will now be included when you choose to check the spelling, which gives you the confidence that your text blocks are perfect for sharing with others.
Version 8.0
Export PDF
The all new Export PDF panel allows you to choose how the content in your drawings are exported. You can export the content only, the whole page (including the empty space) or even a multi page document for page layouts, making it quick and easy to control how PDF’s are exported.
Version 8.0
New Library System
We know the powerful symbol library system is integral to the speed and efficiency of your designs. With this in mind we have redesigned the look and functionality of the Library, allowing you to have it separate to the rest of the interface and navigate faster.
Version 8.0
We have put in a highly requested feature for dragging shapes by their editing vertices. Now you can hold the Command (Apple) key and Option key down and drag an object by its handle to snap the vertices to another objects vertices for more precision and control.
Version 8.0
Custom Line Thickness
At the heart of the drafting and design is the ability to communicate each part of a drawing. Now with MacDraft 8 you’ll have complete control to set a custom line thickness. You can set decimals as well as whole numbers between 0pt and 13pt.
Version 8.0
Swatch Panel
The Swatches is the perfect place to manage and control your colors, patterns and gradients. We have now added the ability to apply your colors, patterns and gradients via the Swatches panel, making it the most intuitive place to control you design attributes.
Version 8.0
French Localization
With the help of a native speaking French team, we have fully localised the MacDraft application to French.
Please note, that PDF documentation and Technical Support is still only available in English at this time.
Version 8.0
Superscript & Subscript
Turn your text into Superscript and Subscript quickly and easily using the Text Transformations menu item. This brings more control to the MacDraft text options.
Version 8.0.1
macOS Ventura
Are you looking to upgrade your OS to Ventura? Rest assured that MacDraft 8 runs smoothly and effectively on the latest Mac Operating System. Design with confidence and harness your machines power and boost your productivity by running macOS Ventura and MacDraft 8.0.1 together.
Version 8.0.1
Print the Grid
You’ll now find an option in the Print dialog that allows you to choose to print the grid. So whether you have opted for a traditional Dotted grid or the graphical style Square grid, you can now include it in the printing of your documents, making referencing easier.
Version 8.0.1
New Tool Bar Items
We have added some new toolbar items to help improve your workflow and making it faster for you to locate the options you need. Options can be added to the toolbar at any time and once added they will be remembered each time you open MacDraft.
Version 8.0.2
macOS Sonoma
Are you looking to upgrade your OS to Sonoma? Rest assured that MacDraft 8 runs smoothly and effectively on the latest Mac Operating System. Design with confidence and harness your machines power and boost your productivity by running macOS Sonoma and MacDraft 8.0.2 together.
Version 8.0.2
Automatic Updates
Included in the latest version is a built in update system that will automatically check to see that you are running the latest version. If a newer minor version is available, the system will show you the release notes and prompt you to download and install the free update automatically.
Version 8.0.2
Measure Tool
The measure tool allows you to click on a single point on the drawing and drag a measuring line out that tells you the length of the measurement as you drag. Quickly and easily measure parts of your drawing, to determine size and scale, giving you a quick reference tool for your content size.
Version 8.0.2
Zoom Shortcuts
You can now control the zooming in and out of your drawings using the
and Command-
keyboard shortcuts, giving you a more familiar way of zooming.
Version 8.0.2
Library Preview Images
The preview image created for your library items has been improved. Text now displays correctly with respct to the object it is connected to, the quality of the image has been improved up to 2 times and the content displays correctly when objects arre drawn at different scales and zooms.
Version 8.0.2
Dual Monitors
We have included some important improvements to dual monitor compatibility. You can now use additional monitors to display your palettes when using palette mode and MacDraft will remember the palette positions for when you choose to use the dual monitors again.
Version 8.0.2
PDF Quality & Precision
When exporting your PDF documents we have improved the way that the content is displayed, giving you a more accurate and precise vector representation of your drawings. This means that when sharing your files, you have the confidence that your PDF contains all the correct content.
What is MacDraft and who is it for?
Design anything with intuitive toolsets.
MacDraft is a 2D CAD drafting software that architects, engineers and construction professionals as well as designers, educators and hobbyists rely on to create precise 2D drawings on their Mac. MacDraft is packed full of industry-leading CAD tools allowing you to work more effectively and design with confidence. See the drawing examples below.
The collection of powerful and flexible drawing options in MacDraft PE lets you edit the parts of your drawings in any way you want. With full support for text and font management, a collection of precise adjustments for dimensions, fully scaled layers and vibrant controls for colors, patterns and gradients, it couldn’t be easier to produce professional 2D CAD drawings in minutes.
Complete control with a fully scaled drawing enviroment
Use English and Metric scales to control the how your objects are viewed in relation to the page size. This gives you more precision when working on complex and larger drawings spaces, such as site plans, architectural elevations and more.
Precise and easy dimensioning to markup your drawings.
Add smart dimensions to your CAD layouts using the intuitive and precise dimension system. Take full control over the way your dimensions display and information included. In addition, you can link your dimensions to their respective objects.
Scaled layers, make complex documents easy to manage
Layers are a great way to manage the content in your drawings. Each layer allows you to overlay content without effecting the objects in other layers. Take full control of your drawings and manage your layers using an intuitive Layers panel.
Manage materials easily with colors, swatches and patterns.
Control all your colors, patterns and gradients using an integrated and intuitive swatch system. Manage, create and edit your swatches using an easy-to-use swatch panel, combined with our custom pattern and gradient editing system.
Powerful vector tools to bring your 2D CAD drawings to life.
MacDraft® Pro has a comprehensive list of features, tools and options available to you. These will provide a smooth, fast and creative design experience, giving you the confidence to create your 2D CAD drawings, plans, engineering layouts, technical illustrations and much more. It has never been easier to design and layout your 2D CAD designs and MacDraft PE’s vector tools and options give the intuitive and familiar feel of an easy to use 2D CAD drafting app.
Easy to use drawing tools for Shapes, Lines & more. Whatever your project, rest assured MacDraft has a tool to help you along your journey. Take control and start designing with the help of MacDraft’s intuitive and dynamic drawing tools!
Walls / Parallel Lines
One of the most important features in MacDraft for floor planning and architectural design are the Parallel Line tools. These tools work just like the line and irregular polygon tools however they draw two parallel lines as walls.
Smart and precise dimension tools
At the heart of MacDraft is its smart and precise units system, which makes dimensioning your drawings quick and easy. The dynamic and linked dimensioning system allows you to dimension any part of your drawing with the simple click of the mouse.
Get started quickly with 100’s of built-in templates
MacDraft offers a huge list of built-in templates to help you get started with drawing many different designs and layouts. Whether you’re looking to create a drawing from scratch; need a helping hand with your architectural and engineering layout; or planning a vector drawing project; MacDraft PE has useful and professionally drawn templates for every occasion. You can even store you own templates in this panel, to make it easier for you to manage your documents.
An integrated Library system.
Up to 7500 symbols available
MacDraft PE includes a sophisticated and easy to use library system, where you can drag and drop commonly used items into your documents. As part of this Library system there is a fully-functioning database built in that links object data, such as name, material and other custom categories, to the objects stored in the library. You can then use this data to produce useful reports.
Customize your workflow for a personalized experience
MacDraft PE gives you options to control how you layout your user interface, giving you complete control for a more personalized experience. Choose to use the more modern single screen to keep all of your window elements together or work with traditional floating palettes allowing you to move elements around (great for multiple screens). In addition you can customize the colors of your controls through system preferences, choose to use a dark or a light interface and choose how the grid, guides and document background displays.
Fully scaled drawing environment for architectural and floor plan design
Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned draftsmen, architectural and floor plan design is quick and easy in MacDraft Personal Edition. Combining powerful and precise drawing tools with thousands of pre-drawn symbols and graphics, you’ll be creating your floor plans in a matter of minutes. With a comprehensive number of professional level tools, such shapes, lines and curves, even complex toolsets for datum management, linking and dimensioning, MacDraft PE has all the features needed for all drawing types. Print, export, share and collaborate.
At the heart of MacDraft is its smart and precise dimension system. Dimensions are quick and easy and are the best way to communicate real-world sizes. MacDraft PE gives a range of dimensions tools as well as formatting and tolerance options.
Fully scaled drawing system, powered by smart units
Scales are a great way to draw larger designs onto a smaller page, while maintaining the size and proportion of your drawings. You’ll find a whole set of useful default scales to use, in both English and Metric units or simply create your own custom scale.
Smart snap and alignment control
The Smart Snap feature gives you complete control over the positioning of your objects and groups with relation to other items in the document. Quickly snap to the edges and centers with intuitive and precise snap guides. Combine the Smart Snap feature with the vertices alignment for complete control.
Pinpoint accuracy with smart systems for engineering and technical layouts
Combining the smart scaling and dynamic unit systems MacDraft PE’s layer system gives you the full control over the scales you use. Use layer scaling to produce working drawings, with sectional views and exploded diagrams. Increased accuracy allows for easy creation of intricate circuit diagrams and cutaway drawings. Drop in document guides for easy and pin-point positioning, accuracy and snapping. Finally manage drawings with advanced AutoCAD DWG support for opening, saving and editing.
Guides are a great way to control the position and alignment of objects across a page. They can help when creating layout documents, CAD drawings, engineering plans and more. What’s more, the guides are non-printable, so will not interfere with your finished design export.
Precise move option
Use the precise move options to control how objects are position using Relative and Absolute positioning. You can also create a copy of the exisitng object as an extra duplication method.
Layer scaling
Layers are important in any technical drawing and MacDraft PE gives full control over the scales each layer has assigned. Individual layer scaling allows for pinpoint accuracy and intricate designs, such as sectional drawings, circuit diagrams and more. Plus you can add multiple drawing types to a single layout, simply by choosing a working layer scale.
Gorgeous garden and landscape designs, with built-in symbols
MacDraft PE makes it easy to design and layout beautiful and vibrant landscape and garden plan designs. Combine ease of use with thousands of pre-drawn symbols and graphics, and start creating your landscape and garden plans in a matter of minutes. Add shapes, lines and sections then drag and drop plants, trees and structures from a large library of garden plan symbols and components. You can even store your own symbols using the full-featured custom library catalog.
Share and collaborate with your colleagues, friends and family. Export your drawings as a PDF and other common image formats to communicate your design ideas.
1000’s of pre-drawn library items
Bring designs to life with vibrant trees and plants, gorgeous structures and furniture and oar-inspiring patio, stone and wood materials.
Informative site plans using traditional drawing methods
Draw precise and intricate topographical maps, charts and more on your Mac with MacDraft PE. Layout street maps, land formations and intricate plans with MacDraft PE’s precise and easy to use vector drawing tools. Combine the power of a fully-scaled drawing environment with the familiarity of a vector based drawing app and advanced duplication to map out your ideas and create professional results. Couple all of this with the linked database of object information and reporting for a more collaborative approach.
MacDraft PE has a few options for duplication, either using the traditional copy and paste method or by using the built in duplication. Copy and paste allows you to paste an item at the point where you click the mouse button.
Combining traditional rotation tools, such as a manual rotate, rotate 90 left and right with advanced rotation, you can control the orienbtation of your objects with ease. Select multiple objects and rotate them at the saem time with perfect accuracy.
Design stunning illustrations and layouts with dynamic shapes and text
Let your imagination run wild, MacDraft will do the rest. Combine curves, gradients and opacities to create beautiful, cool and vibrant vector graphics in MacDraft. Whether its a logo, poster, brand or just a fun idea you’ve had, MacDraft gives you the chance to put pen to paper (or cursor to document layout) and let your skill and creativity take over. Getting stuck? We have thousands of breathtaking graphics available to you in the form of our graphics library add ons, simply drag and drop objects into your designs or create your own library of regularly used graphics for a future project! Your only limitation is your own imagination.
With a huge number of familiar vector drawing tools, such as shapes, lines and complex curves, MacDraft PE has everything you’ll need to produce vibrant illustrations and stunning page layouts.
Bezier (Pen) & Freehand
Use the familiar Bezier tool which acts like a Pen tool to create complex open and closed combinations of curves and lines. Combine this with the smooth freehand tool to produce qaulity vector works of art quickly and easily.
Text, font and flow management
As well as the standard text formatting options MacDraft PE includes an advanced layout features for flowing text from one textbook to another, using the clipped text warning. In addition you can turn any text object into vector shapes for the creation of stunning icons, symbols and branding.
Create your own scalable colors, patterns and gradients
MacDraft PE comes with a selection of colors, gradients and patterns that you can use to bring your designs to life. I addition to the existing swatch selection, you’re also able to create your own unique material patterns in black and white or color, as well as your own gradients and colors. Our built-in scaling system will duplicate and format your patterns and gradients with ease, keeping your materials displaying the way they should. You’ll also find a range of additional swatches in the exclusive MacDraft PE packs.
Create as many colors, gradients and patterns as you want. You can build new ones from scratch or take an existing one and make adjustments. Manage all from one intuitive Swatches panel.
Pattern Editor
The pixel pattern editor boast a range of options for creating pixel perfect, scalable patterns. Use colors or create traditional CAD materials from floors and walls to metals and liquids. You can also paste an image from an outside source into the editor to create more complex patterns.
Built for macOS. Powered by the latest Mac technologies
MacDraft PE boasts incredible power with its highly sophisticated and incredibly precise drawing engine. It’s been designed and built to take full advantage of the full power of Mac computers, using advanced Mac vector graphics technologies such as Core Graphics and Core Image. Innovating for the future MacDraft PE also includes full support for M1 chips, 64 bit systems and is built using Swift.
64-Bit Application
Gives the full power of your machine and is fully compatible with future operating systems.
M1 & M2 Compatibility
MacDraft PE runs natively on Macs powered by the Apple Silicon chips, for powerful performance.
Built with Swift
An image processing and analysis technology that provides high-performance processing.
Block GCD
A technology used to optimize application support for systems with multi-core processors.
Swift UI
The application UI has been written on latest Swift v4 code for use of modern technologies.
Color Sync
A platform-independent color management system provided by the Apple system.
Core Image
Swift is a robust and intuitive programming language, built for reliability and efficiency.
Core Graphics
Based on the Quartz advanced engine, providing low-level, lightweight 2D rendering.
Core Text
A framework that provides modern, low-level programming for laying out and handling text.
Auto Layout
Technology for automatically adapting to different screen sizes and orientations.
Image I/O
Programming framework that allows applications to read and write most image formats.
A framework that allows users to browse, edit, and save images, using Core Image filters.
A quick preview feature that allows you to view the content of a document without opening.
Dark/Light Mode
Integrating MacDraft with the System for changing between a light and dark interface layout.
Auto Save
Automatically saving open documents to preserve user data and protect against data loss.
Industry-leaders love MacDraft and we’re sure you’ll love it too!
MacDraft has an average worldwide rating of 4.5 stars out of 5. Partnered with Capterra, MacDraft users have given us top marks in all areas. It also has a Mac Informers award, boasting and Editors Pick badge. We know you’ll love MacDraft PE - but don’t just take our word for it.
There are 4 main choices for MacDraft PE and the choice you make depends on your needs. The Home and Garden, Starter and Complete packs contain exclusive library content. Take advantage of the content in the packs and choose the best MacDraft for you.
Simple 2D CAD software for drawing basic plans, vector illustrations, documentation and technical layouts on the Mac. With familiar drawing options, vector shapes, lines and curves and flexible toolsets for small projects, hobbyists, individuals, students and small businesses, you can produce your simple 2D CAD drawings quickly and easily.
Simple 2D CAD software bundle that is designed for creating colourful and illustrative furniture layouts and garden and landscape ideas on the Mac. Includes all the features of MacDraft PE plus over 1100 vector symbols.
Perfect 2D CAD software bundle to get started with MacDraft PE for simple plans, diagrams, technical layouts, illustrations, documentation layouts on the Mac. Includes all the features of MacDraft PE plus over 3500 vector symbols.
A flexible 2D CAD bundle for Mac, designed for smaller projects and home users for almost all simple 2D CAD plans, documentation, layouts and more. Includes all the features of MacDraft PE plus over 7500 vector symbols.
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