DWG Viewer

DWG Viewer
DWG Viewer Versions and Release Notes
DWG Viewer 2.0 (released December 20, 2017) Buy the latest version online now 〉
- Full macOS High Sierra compatibility brings all the power and efficiency of the latest macOS.
- Application rewritten using modern Cocoa and Swift technologies bringing more speed and efficiency.
- Updated interface using dark HUD (heads up display) style making it much easier to navigate and work with.
- Implemented the new Cocoa text engine for rendering and editing.
- Access to the macOS text panel for fonts, styles etc bringing a more familiar and modern approach to text.
- Use of the system text engine for spell checking.
- Added a new Measure tool for measuring between two points on the drawing.
- Zoom now controlled and displayed in percentages.
- Manually enter your own zoom percentage.
- Attributes palette added.
- New Tab Bar for viewing your documents in one single window.
- You can now change the border, fill colors, lines styles and line weights of the selected items.
- Redesigned and restructured palettes for better interfacing.
- Share facility for sharing files using the system share technology.
- Editing the settings for attributes ellipses and text.
- Load the layouts and model space from within the current document makes it faster and easier.
- Save your annotated documents as ANN files for editing annotations later.
- Open, view and annotate MacDraft (md60) documents.
- Integration of the MacDraft rendering engine for faster display of files.
- MacDraft graphics engine updated, transitioning from QuickDraw.
- Automatic opening of DWG files means you no longer have to know the settings you need (you can still define the scale and units if you want to).
- Single key shortcuts for selecting the tools.
- Updated UI icons.
- Centered Drawing area makes a cleaner document environment and a smoother working area.
- New and improved scaled rulers.
- Improved support for AutoCAD DWG files.
- Supports full screen display.
- Supports AutoSave.
- Supports Retina Displays.
- Fixed various legacy bugs and file related issues.
DWG Viewer 1.7.6 (released April 15, 2014)
- Support for AutoCAD AC1027 (2013/2014) file format. Bug fixes.
- Fixed several Mac OSX specific issues.
DWG Viewer 1.7.5 (released November 9, 2012)
- New GateKeeper incorporated to allow running of the app under Mac OSX 10.8 or later.Bug fixes.
- Fixed a bug where pasting annotations containing ovals to document at different scale did not paste correctly.
- Fixed a bug where duplicated annotations/ovals did not move on the same grid as the original annotations/ovals when zoomed in.
DWG Viewer 1.7.4 (released May 21, 2012)
- Suppressed an unnecessary dialog appearing when opening read-only dwg files.
- Improved compatibility with reading of dwg files.
- Minor bug fixes with specific dwg files.
- Fixed Mac OSX Lion specific issues.
DWG Viewer 1.7.3 (released February 14, 2012)
- Improved compatibility with reading of dwg files. Minor bug fixes.Updated documentation.
DWG Viewer 1.7.2 (released November 30, 2011)
- Fixed an issue where DWG Viewer failed to open DWG files with non Roman characters in file/enclosing folder names.
- Fixed an issue where Layouts in non Roman characters did not appear in pop-up menu.
- Removed a needless dialog that appeared when opening locked files.
- Document window now activates correctly after closing Layers Palette.
DWG Viewer 1.7.1 (released October 20, 2011)
- Retail version released.
- Allows multiple opens of the same dwg file.
- "Save to PDF" with annotations renamed "Export to PDF" with annotations.
- Fixed an issue which caused DWG Viewer to crash when using the Text tool.
- Fixed an issue which caused Tool palettes not to show after hide/show of DWG Viewer.
- Fixed an issue which caused Registration Information not to show via the help menu.
- Fixed a bug where selection was not visible when doing select all for edited text.
- Fixed a bug where any portion of the oval object that was off the document not to show when object moved fully into the document.
- Fixed several file specific crash issues.
- Fixed several Mac OSX Lion specific issues.
DWG Viewer 1.7 (released September 7, 2011)
- Customizable scales Customizable Toolbar Layers PaletteFeedback for clipped text.
- New ruler layoutImproved support for BMP Linking and relinking.
- Hide/Show Palettes option has been added to the Window menu Support for AutoCAD 2010/2011 file format.
- Fixed an issue which caused DWG Viewer to crash when canceling an open.
- Fixed viewport frames shifting when exporting to pdf.
- Fixed viewport frames not printing correctly.
- DWG file is viewed the same in both DWG Viewer and in pdf.
- Fixed several file specific crash issues.
- Fixed several Mac OSX Lion specific issues.
DWG Viewer 1.6.6
- DWG Viewer is now a Universal Binary and so will run native on Intel Mac’s as well as Power PC.
- Support for the AutoCAD 2007 file format.
- The latest versions of the Open Design Alliance DWG libraries have been used and other improvements have been made to the ability of DWG Viewer to open DWG files.
- Bugs in the previous version have been fixed.
DWG Viewer 1.6.5
- Layouts, containing viewports, can now be opened as well as the model.
- The layout or model can be chosen from a pop-up menu during the opening of the file.
- Annotation capability has been added through the addition of a tool palette containing:
Arrow Tool - Selects elipse objects and annotation text.
Hand Tool - Drag scrolling of zoomed in view.
Ellipse Tool - Draws Red ellipses for highlighting features.
Text Tool - For adding anotation text with yellow background.
Zoom Tool - Zooms in and out.
1:1 Tool - returns view to original zoom level.
- The annotation feature allows the drawing or red ellipses and text with a yellow background in an annotation layer.
- A menu item has been added for the user to Save as PDF with Annotations. This allows the files to be shared with colleges that do not have DWG Viewer or AutoCAD.
- A spotlight plug-in is included to allow searching of DWG files saved in file formats previous to AC 1015.
- The latest versions of the Open Design Alliance DWG libraries have been used and other improvements have been made to the ability of DWG Viewer to open DWG files.
- Bugs in the previous version have been fixed.