Boat Design with MacDraft Pro
“It’s got the right level of features for me and has a proper mac mindset and feel about it. If Apple had their own drawing programme this would be it.”

John Corby, MacDraft user since 1986. Although I use another 3d programme for modeling my hull and deck shapes, I use Macdraft for all the 2d construction and detail boat drawings, around 50 drawings per boat design. I then email these to the builder in either pdf or dxf.Some drawings require a 2d dxf import from my surface modeling programme so I can start a new MacDraft drawing with the essential outlines of the shape already on it. For some other drawings its easier to modify a previous one, and then some are simply started from scratch.
Because I’m also a builder myself I have a good feel for how to present the information in such a way that just about anyone in the boatyard can understand my boat design. I will list the stages for my suggested method in the design and also often incorporate photos of what the process might typically look like and how the end result should look.
MacDraft has multiple uses:
I also use MacDaft to create adverts and promotional artwork. Photoshop is sometimes useful for some special effects but then I will use MacDraft to assemble all the various images, lay them out and add text. In fact I use it at the drop of a hat for a lot of many different design purposes.
Final thought:
Over the years I have flirted with other 2d programmes for my boat design but am very happy to be back with Macdraft. It’s got the right level of features for me and has a proper mac mindset and feel about it. If Apple had their own drawing programme this would be it.
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John Corby - Boat Design with MacDraft Pro
It’s got the right level of features for me and has a proper mac mindset and feel about it. If Apple had their own drawing programme this would be it.
John Corby, MacDraft user since 1986. Although I use another 3d programme for modeling my hull and deck shapes, I use Macdraft for all the 2d construction and detail boat drawings, around 50 drawings per boat design. I then email these to the builder in either pdf or dxf.Some drawings require a 2d dxf import from my surface modeling programme so I can start a new MacDraft drawing with the essential outlines of the shape already on it. For some other drawings its easier to modify a previous one, and then some are simply started from scratch.
Because I’m also a builder myself I have a good feel for how to present the information in such a way that just about anyone in the boatyard can understand my boat design. I will list the stages for my suggested method in the design and also often incorporate photos of what the process might typically look like and how the end result should look.
MacDraft has multiple uses:
I also use MacDaft to create adverts and promotional artwork. Photoshop is sometimes useful for some special effects but then I will use MacDraft to assemble all the various images, lay them out and add text. In fact I use it at the drop of a hat for a lot of many different design purposes.
Final thought:
Over the years I have flirted with other 2d programmes for my boat design but am very happy to be back with Macdraft. It’s got the right level of features for me and has a proper mac mindset and feel about it. If Apple had their own drawing programme this would be it.
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