All Forum Posts
The Microspot Forum is a free to sign-up, community area for you to discuss, ask questions and post examples of your work. It’s a great place for you to keep up-to-date with all that’s going on at Microspot and chat with others in your community.
General Discussions
This is a great place for you to discuss, comment and share your thoughts on anything related to Microspot, 2D CAD, vector illustration, 3D modelling and anything else you can think of. Comment on existing posts, or spark up a new conversation by adding your own posts and general questions.
News & Updates
Get all the latest news, updates and release information about Microspot’s products, services and promotions. Feel free to discuss and share your thoughts on what’s new or what’s coming. Don’t forget to check pack every now and then for new product release info.
Let us know of any suggestions or thoughts on how we could improve things, such as our website, payment process, what products we offer and more. You could even let us know of an add-on library or MacDraft template you would like us to make available.
MacDraft Pro & PE
Here is the best place for you to discuss, comment and share anything about MacDraft Professional or MacDraft Personal Edition. Chat about and discuss the current features and versions or even comment on what features you would like to see included.
PC Draft Pro & PE
Here is the best place for you to discuss, comment and share anything about PC Draft Professional or PC Draft Personal Edition. Chat about and discuss the current features and versions or even comment on what features you would like to see included.
Bugs & Issues
Here you can let us know of any bugs, problems or issues you have found with the our products, websites and services. This is a great place to find a work around for an issue you are having and also directly help us to improve our products and services.
Help & Support
Here you can contact our support or sales team and discuss your support query with other members of the commnunity. Opening a discussion with other users is often a great way to solve issues as some more common queries have often been answered before.
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